Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Meek Mill Explains Why Nicki Minaj "Understands" Him

Meek Mill is the star of the new Noisey Raps production.

Meek Mill and Nicki Minaj have been going strong for a while now, but it should be no surprise for Meek, who's been sure Nicki was the right woman for him long before the two got together,

"Where I come from. I can't just be from the hood and have a total opposite girlfriend, she don't know nothing about where I come from. She don't understand me," he explains in the new episode of Noisey Raps.

He explains that Nicki checks all of the boxes he looks for in a partner. "Somebody that'll understand me. Somebody that hustle. You know what I'm saying? Somebody that's aggressive. These are things I like," he says, before revealing the extent to which he was enamored with Nicki before they got together. "I used to always tell my friends -- I even got raps 'such and such with Nicki.' I always had it like that. That was someone I admired at the time."

Now that they're together, Meek Mp3 Download Songs still has to check himself once in a while. "I wake up in my bed and I just look at Nicki like, 'Man, this shit has gotta be a dream because we used to dream all this shit and it's just going on right now," he says. "I always seen it like this. I always seen it like me having one of the top hustling, prettiest girls in the game. That's how my account was set up."

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